Saturday 21 January 2012


Amidst the beautiful  landscape near the private beach of Vivanta Taj Resort in Kovalam, my son captured on camera,  this little squirrel, quite busy eating something. 


I had once read, 'be careful who you let into your life'. The wrong kind of people you meet or let into your life would make you end up wishing, that you never met them ever. Some people come into your life and bring peace, joy, and even subtly motivate you to do your best or help you discover a talent, or in their company you find your highest potential. They are like angels who come in the form of friends or mentors or even colleagues. You've heard of the 'wolf in a lamb's clothing', right?, Then there are some people who come into your life and create a tornado with their manipulative means,  negative impact or ill intentions, that brings out the worst in you or drains you off your energy, and creates nothing but trouble and unrest for you. After a while, you would have had enough and don't want anything to do with them. You don't want toxic or negative people in your life do you?. Don't be afraid to let go. Disassociate yourself from them and cut them off from your life. You can manage your life quite well without them. Give yourself time, you'll get over them. 


Those of you who read Steve Jobs biography would have realized that though Steve was an accomplished leader with great business instincts that made Apple products a huge success among customers worldwide, he had a dark side little known to the public until the biography was released. Inspite of the negative aspect of his personality, there are quite a number of interesting life lessons one could learn from Steve. Lance Ulanoff, editor in chief of Mashable, has come up with 20 life lessons after reading Steve Jobs biography by Walter Isaacson.

1. Don’t Wait
2. Make Your Own Reality
3. Control Everything You Can
4. Own Your Mistakes
5. Know Yourself
6. Leave the Door Open for the Fantastic
7. Don’t Hold Back
8. Surround Yourself with Brilliance
9. Build a Team of A Players
10. Be Yourself
11. Be Persuasive
12. Show Others the Way
13. Trust Your Instincts
14. Take Risks
15. Follow Great with Great
16. Make Tough Decisions
17. Presentation Can Make a World of Difference
18. Find a Way to Balance Your Intensity
19. Live for Today
20. Share Your Wisdom
Lance Ulanoff is an award winning journalist and a 25-year industry veteran. Before joining Mashable in September 2011,  Lance Ulanoff was the Editor in Chief of and Senior Vice President of Content for the Ziff Davis, Inc. He makes frequent appearances on national, international, and local news programs including Fox News, the Today Show, Good Morning America, CNBC, CNN and the BBC.

Friday 20 January 2012


A beautitful bird captured on camera by my husband (while vacationing in Trivandrum recently). This picture was taken right outside our apartment !.


Have you noticed babies?. They command attention. The baby gives out a loud cry which would bring several worried, concerned, caring people to pacify or soothe the baby. The baby is the Boss. I came across this baby outfit while I was shopping during my vacation. Hey, don't some grown ups you know, carry the same attitude? 


There is an African proverb, 'Tomorrow belongs to the person who prepare for it today'.

When you observe people who are successful and wonder, what is the 'key' to their success, it's not a big secret, in fact it is an open secret if you pay attention. They have chosen to succeed and they are driven by determination. They prepare for it today for what they want tomorrow. Despite setbacks and thorns they might trample upon,  they keep working on their dreams and ambitions, because they know in their heart for sure, what ever effort they have put into realizing their goals, they will not go unrewarded; they know  the road they are travelling - unafraid and certain, they continuously journey towards their goal and learn from their mistakes along the way. Disappointments won't drive them to quit. When things don't work out, they are not worn down by the problems, they begin to think differently to create solutions for desirable results. They carry an attitude of 'I can', not 'I can't'. They find joy in what they do. The mysterious universe guides them along the way through people, situations and opportunities and takes them towards their destination. This happens, because they believe in themselves and their dreams.

We are all an integral, inseparable part of the Universe - your dreams, desires and ambitions are constantly being processed in the greater consciousness of the Universe. Successful people are not just dreamers - they design and manufacture their dreams. 

Thursday 19 January 2012


As humans, we tend to crave for emotional support, love, affection and FOOD. We take for granted other things like air and water. Right now, I crave for a vegetarian diet. Sounds boring huh? Well, it isn't really.  I think its my body's need for all those wondreful vitamins and minerals and easy digestion that's making me crave for vegetables. During my vacation, I did indulge in bit of junk food and lots of chicken and meat, more than my quota I usually adhere to. Time to flush out all those toxins and clean my system. I am starting my detox diet from today, which means consuming fruits and vegetables for atleast a week and eating in moderation. My diet will be complemented with lots of salads and bit of low fat cheese. 

Want to try it's good for you. This will help you lose weight as well, make your skin radiant, your mind more alert and you feel lighter and healthier. Stick to it for another month or so...and see the magical transformation for yourself. 

What do you crave for right now? 

* Chocolates
* pastries
* junk food
* healthy food
* fruits like orange or banana
* company of someone you are absolutely fond of
* a vacation
* an aromatic oil massage 
* Its a secret


I had posted earlier how I enjoyed watching the sunrise each morning when I woke up, while I was in Trivandrum recently. The first thing I did was to go to our bedroom balcony and just gaze at the beautiful sky. Each day was a new experience and every sunrise was special. Some days - the colours in the sky were soft and some days amazingly vibrant. This was one of special days when I captured the sunrise with my camera.


Sometimes weight loss aspirants are too hard on themselves. Love for food versus desire for weight loss can cause them to eat all they crave for and then exercise like crazy  or 'hope' to exercise. Now that's being hard on the digestive system and being cruel to your body. Eat less, eat healthy, exercise five times a week. Choose walking, jogging, swimming, cycling, aerobics, whatever you like...Lose weight by healthy means. 

Time to kick start my weight loss regime. So dear weight loss aspirants, join me for a wonderful journey of weight loss. Why 'wonderful?', well, that's what you will feel - guaranteed - totally wonderful when you lose weight.


Hmmm.....was it a dream or what...another vacation has ended and I am back in Kuwait - my home away from home! 

After unpacking, I slept the whole evening and night. Oh the much needed sleep! It's time to catch up on what's been happening in Kuwait and all the upcoming events.'s so cold. My heart goes out to everyone back in India who made our  vacation such a joyful experience. My vacation was absolutely special because our son came down from U.S. and we were able to spend a wonderful time with him. 

Memories, you are a good friend I can count come back to and reflect on the good times. I can't wait to share the hard copies of certain memories in the form of beautiful photographs in my upcoming posts. 

Kuwait city

Fort in the city

A favourite landmark - The Kuwait Towers