Tuesday 26 February 2013


Today is 26 February 2013, exactly 22 years after the Iraqi invaders were ousted from Kuwait by the allied troops and coalition forces under the U.S. and U.N. The joy of people of Kuwait  knew know bounds when it was announced on 26 February 1991, that the Iraqi invaders surrendered and were retreating. The loss of loved ones and those who were taken away as prisoners of war during Iraqi invasion and later unheard of would never be forgotten. Wars, invasions and aggression have only destroyed lives, made innocent people suffer and their losses are irreplaceable. To live and let live, to be safe, to live in freedom from aggression, to accept and be accepted, to love and be loved is humanity. To treasure the diversities and respect the life of others, the different cultures and races is important for we are not truly separate but a whole and integral part of this big universe.

Wishing the people of Kuwait a very Happy Liberation Day. 

The first two photos I took are of paintings done two years ago, by the students at American University of Kuwait as a part of the 50th anniversary of Kuwait's National Day. The rest three are random pictures I took during the celebrations.

The Liberation Tower was originally called the Telecommunications Tower located in the heart of Kuwait City. Construction of the tower stopped half way when Iraq invaded Kuwait. The construction resumed after Iraqi forces was expelled from Kuwait and the tower was completed in 1993 an renamed the Liberation Tower symbolizing Kuwait's liberation from Iraq.

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