Monday 4 February 2013


A pretty unconventional yet unique design, this pillow is made with comfortable material meant to aid you in getting a power nap or short nap at work, while travelling in trains or waiting at , airports. By burying your head in this pillow like how an ostrich buries its head in sand, you won't be distracted by people around or people passing by. 

Ostrich pillow is created by Kawamura-ganjavian,  an architecture and design studio founded in 2000 by Key Portilla-Kawamura and Ali Ganjavian. The studio was established in London and is now based in Madrid and Lausanne, with outposts in London and Paris. 

According to kawamura-ganjavian," the 'Ostrich' pillow offers a micro environment in which to take a warm and comfortable power nap at ease. It is neither a pillow nor a cushion, nor a bed, nor a garment, but a bit of each at the same time. Its soothing cave-like interior shelters and isolates our head and hands (mind, senses and body) for a few minutes, without needing to leave our desk".

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