Thursday 7 March 2013


On Tuesday evening, I saw this beautiful movie Doubt (2008 release) which is actually an adaptation of John Patrick Shanley's Pulitzer prize winning stage play "Doubt: A Parable". The movie stars Meryl Streep as Sister Aloysius, Phillip Seymour Hoffman as Father Flynn and Amy Adams as Sister James who gave a sterling performance portraying their roles. The movie received several Oscar nominations in 2008. The story and direction is by Shanley and produced by Scott Rudin. The film grossed well at the box office.

"Doubt" centers around a progressive minded Priest Father Flynn, a very strict and conservative Principal Sister Aloysius and a young history teacher Sister James at a Catholic church and school in Bronx, New York. Father Flynn is kind, caring, and supportive to 14 year old Donald Miller who is the only black student in the school and is also an altar boy at the church where Father Flynn gives his sermon. Sister James is concerned when  Donald Miller's behavior seems worrisome when he returns from a meeting with Father Flynn in the middle of her class. He appeared distraught and his breath smelt of alcohol. She informs her concerns to Sister Aloysius who begin to suspect Father Flynn of having an inappropriate relationship with Donald. She confronts Father Flynn who explains his side of the story and claims no wrong doing though he seemed to become disturbed when confronted and questioned about his past. Sister Aloysius is absolutely firm in her resolve to remove Father Flynn from Church despite lack of real evidence.

I don't want share more details of the plot. You should actually watch this beautiful movie that leaves you with your own doubts! 

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