Monday 23 December 2013


The 'Sing in the Rain' musical and dance show at 360 Mall was quite artistically and beautifully choreographed and performed by young talents of LOYAC. The performance was based on the song from the classic movie 'Singing in the Rain' starring Gene Kelly. The shows was held on 18, 19 and 20 December at 7pm,  8pm and then at 9pm. 

We saw the show last Thursday. The musical clip 'Singin' in the Rain' song from the movie was first played. The show began with sounds of thunder and rain followed by LOYAC performers coming down the wide stairs to the floor set for the performance and danced to the music with umbrellas. I liked the 7pm show so much, that after going around in the mall for an hour, we returned to watch the last show at 9pm. This also gave me a chance to enjoy the show properly by keeping my camera away. The grand finale was even more beautiful. It was a delightful musical and visual treat. It must have been a real pleasant surprise for the all mall visitors who didn't know about this show and happened to be there at that time. The show was quite a crowd puller. 

Hope we get to see more of such lovely events. Here are some photos I took. Most photos are bit blurry due to constant movement during the performance. 

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