Wednesday 11 December 2013


I managed to attend the event last Saturday evening. I wish I could have gone earlier, but I was busy attending the Qout Market at Arraya and later the Gulf Run endurance race. But I am glad I could make it to Marina Crescent for the United Real Estate company's 40th celebrations. I am not sure what I missed besides Shakshooka market and perhaps cartoon characters, but what I got to see was wonderful. As I passed the fountain, I noticed two caricature artists sketching and a very long queue was patiently waiting for their turn. I knew if I stood in the queue, I'd miss the stage shows and I thought, I'll get my caricature done another time. There was a huge stage set up at Marina Crescent with DJ entertaining the crowd. An artist came on stage and began to do speed painting on a huge canvas. It was really good. After that, came a loud burst of crackers around the stage and smoke which took everyone by surprise, followed by a resonating sound from the Chinese drums and music. Dancers in vibrant red outfits  did a Chinese dance, enthralling the crowd with their well rehearsed moves. Then there was something quite amazing -   laser lights performance by the laser man inside a huge plastic bubble. The bubble was translucent. Wish it was more transparent for better clarity. But since it was night time, the visuals were spectacular. Along with rest of the crowd, I waited looking at the stage wondering what the next program would be, I turned to look behind and there they were, the mirror characters dressed up in mirror costumes. The crowd got really excited and everyone wanted to take a picture with the mirror people. After the photo session and interacting with the crowd, the mirror characters went up on stage to dance. It was almost 8pm. I headed to where my husband was near the fountain, all set to take photos of the fireworks. I took my camera out and the fireworks started. It was right above the Marina Hotel. The fire works was spectacular and lasted for about 1O minutes. Happy 4Oth birthday UREC! Thank you for arranging this beautiful event. Thanks to LWDLIK for posting about this event in advance, that made it possible for me to attend it. 

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