Tuesday 4 February 2014


Coffee art is very interesting, especially those intricate 3 D art. I was curious and interested to see how it's done and headed for Costa Coffee at Marina Crescent at around 5 pm on Tuesday 28 January. Coffee artist Kohei Matsuno was specially brought in from Japan to create art on lattes including 3 D ones. First the latte was prepared in a cup and Kohei prepared thick milk or cream foam in a separate cup, from which he took a bit of the milk foam, placed it on top of the latte and worked his way so quickly to create head, face, ears and paws of a dog or a cat giving the impression of a the animal popping out of your latte. It was quite interesting and fun to watch how Kohei went about creating the art work so effortlessly. Customers were asked to choose their design from a chart. Besides using milk foam, Kohei used thick coffee or chocolate paste to create his art. Some customers requested Kohei to draw their faces and he did that.  Most the art work were 3 D cats and dog faces with paws, and artwork like animal faces and  people's faces. 

Kohei told me he is a freelance artist and has been practicing this art for the past five years. Kohei is from Osaka and lives in Tokyo. When I  arrived at Costa around 5pm, there weren't too many people but by 5.3Opm, there a long queue of people who eagerly waited to enjoy a latte with beautiful coffee art. I asked Kohei to do a 3 D cat on my latte and he did that and he wrote 'Myo' - 'meow' beside it. After I put sugar into my coffee, I had to watch my cat disappear into my latte. Here are some photos I took at the event. You can see my latte as well in the photos.

This my latte with a 3 D cat popping out

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