Monday 10 February 2014


The 3rd International Arabian Horse Festival, was held at the Hunting and Equestrian Club, organized by Bait Al Arab Horse Center. 

We chose to watch the International Horse Championship - ECAHO B show on Friday 7 February. When we reached the Hunting and Equestrian club, the competition for mares were taking place at their show jumping arena. And shortly after that, followed the competitions for stallions. It was really nice to watch. The horses were made to run across the stadium and the judges would inspect the horses and mark their scores. I don't have any knowledge about how they are judged and the criteria. At the end of the event, the winners were announced for best pure bred Arabian male and female horses. You can visit Bait Al Arab Horse Center website to know more them, the history and how the competitions are held. Horses are majestic animals, it's amazing to watch them, their graceful movements and the power they exude when they run. Before we left, there was a low fenced area where some of the competing horses were kept. We got to see the horses closely and touch them. Their coat felt so soft and velvety. Arabian horses are believed to be the oldest breed of horses since 5000 years. 


International Horse Championship ECAHO B Show:
Awards for best  pure bred Arabian Female and Male horses
Thursday 6 February -  fillies and colts
Friday 7 February - mares and stallions

International Egyptian Event : 
Awards for best straight Egyptian Arabian Female and Male horses
Saturday 8 February - fillies and colts
Sunday 9 February - mares and stallions

Open House -  visits to various horse farms organized by Bait Al Arab
Monday 1O February to Wednesday 12 February

Here are some photos I took at the event

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