Wednesday 26 February 2014


It was August 2, 1990, around 8 am. I will never forget that day, ever. My colleagues and I were on our way to work , the driver had the radio on in the car. As he drove, he said, 'you shouldn't go to work, we should go to the supermarket and get food and water'. We laughed and asked why. And to which he stunned us with his reply. 'The radio says, Iraq has occupied Kuwait and Kuwait is no more!'. We thought he was saying a mad joke. We told him to drive us to our place of work. We were stopped at a check point as we neared our place of work and told by soldiers to return home. We were not given an explanation. They were armed and there were military trucks and military vehicles and soldiers on the streets, which was such an unusual sight. When I reached home, every one living in the apartment building we stayed, were gathered at the bottom of the building immersed in serious discussion. I stood in utter disbelief when they explained to me how Kuwait was invaded early that morning.  It took me a few days to swallow the fact yes Kuwait was invaded by Iraq. I told myself it would all be over in a few days, then a month passed by, then few more months, we became so restless and worried. Our children were so small. I dreamed and envisioned a future for them and a future for us. Somehow my husband and I kept faith that everything will be alright. This will end. Then we were so relieved when the U.S. and coalition forces waged the Operation Desert storm to oust the Iraqi invaders. On 26th February 1991, Kuwait was liberated from Iraqi occupation. Today Kuwait and it's people celebrate  23rd Liberation day. 

The construction of the Telecommunications Tower was completed in 1993 and was named Liberation tower symbolizing Kuwait's liberation from Iraq.
Happy Liberation Day Kuwait!

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