Friday 21 February 2014


The American or Amricani Cultural Centre is an important heritage building and a beautiful example of old architecture in Kuwait. It was previously the American Mission Hospital, the first hospital to be built in Kuwait in 1913.  My husband's younger brother was born at the American Mission Hospital. My mother in law told me,  how well she was cared for when she had my brother in law at the hospital. The hospital closed down in 1967 as Kuwait by then had many hospitals. After restoration works in 2000 and renovation work that followed it was converted to an important cultural centre. 'DAI'- Dar al-Athar al-Islamiyyah opened the Amricani Cultural Centre in November 2011, bringing the people a cultural season of art, lectures, music, concerts, workshops and special programs for families and children. The cultural programs involve local and international music and events that are beautifully entertaining.

Amricani Cultural Centre has  two main buildings. The larger one which used to be the men's hospital is now a museum and exhibition space. The building which was the women's hospital houses DAI's administrative offices and the library.  Amricani Cultural Centre also has an education wing, a conservation lab, and a theatre. DAI's music concerts are held at Maidan Cultural Culture in Shaab. 

I have only photographed one building of the two. 

Visit DAI to know more about their activities

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