Monday 10 February 2014


I wrote about Bret Workshop's photography workshop yesterday. Refer to my previous post

Bret Webster is an American photographer based in Utah and his work is amazing. Yesterday was the first day of the workshop at the Amricani Cultural Centre. It was a lecture introducing the participants to technicalities, secrets, tips, how to take that great shot and the pure joy of photography. Participants were free to ask questions. Bret covered aperture, shutter speed, lenses, ISO setting for certain kinds of day/night photography, HDR, image editing softwares, printing and much more. He shared photographs he had taken of the star studded night skies, milky way that are prominent in southern skies of Utah, beautiful photos taken at the Grand Canyon, Arizona desert, sand dunes, moon rise and many other photos and discussed each of them, detailing how they were captured. My husband and I were glad we could attend Bret Webster's lecture. He made it fun and interesting.

Today the participants for the workshop would meet at the Amricani Cultural Center at 3 pm and from there travel to Al Salmi to capture some interesting shots. 

The workshop is organized by the U.S. Embassy, Dar Al Attar Al Islamiyyah and National Council for Culture Arts and Letters

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