Sunday 9 February 2014


Shared via DAI facebook page :

Learn to appreciate photography with more depth and to develop an understanding of aesthetics in photography with renowned American photographer Bret Webster, whose images have been used by National Geographic, Smithsonian Magazine, Discover, New Scientist, Travel & Leisure, Islands magazine, the US Geological Society, during the Photography Workshop at the Amricani Cultural Centre starting 9 February at 7pm. 

The workshop will help fill the gap between shooting and pushing your artistic boundaries, while developing your eyes to see aesthetically pleasing compositions. The beauty of the desert will be one focus of our discussion.

Methods will include lectures, discussions, assignments, and critiques. The course will be somewhat flexible and open to feedback and requests throughout. 

To register or get more information, please email


* I have attended Bret Webster's photography exhibition during his visit last year in Kuwait. His work is amazing. Visit this link for the post/coverage I did on that. Bret Webster is holding a photography workshop, commencing today for 3 days,  which is organized by the U.S. Embassy, Dar Al Athar Al Islamiyyah and National Council for Culture Arts and Letters. 

Amricani Cultural Centre Location map

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