Wednesday 5 February 2014


Shaab neighborhood park is a small park and playground for children in the residential area. I first read about it on Kuwait Moms Guide and I particularly became curious and interested when I read about the park having a duck pond. 

When you enter the park, on the left is the children's playground and play area and to the right is a big duck pond. There are several seating and tables in the park. I think the park would look really beautiful and green, if almost the entire area were to have grass and some perennial flowers to brighten up the place. The park has lots of green trees and bushes but only small portions of the park has grass. There are big open spaces where children can play.  It's a very peaceful feeling you'd experience when you visit the park, well at least that's what I felt. Unlike most parks, there is a pond with ducks and geese, which is a star attraction. We saw a tray with at least two dozen slices of bread kept for them. While we were taking pictures of the ducks and geese, a man comes with a wooden carton filled with salad leaves and keeps it near the pond and shouts out to them summoning them to come and eat. I think the ducks and geese were a bit scared to come forward to avoid the children that were trying to catch their attention. Well, the children decided to feed the ducks and started to throw the salad leaves and bread towards them. I wished I could tell them not to pollute the water in the pond, as most of what they threw were falling in the pond. Some of the leaves did manage to land near the ducks and they seemed to enjoy their lunch.  

I love visiting parks. When I think of parks, what comes to my mind are the beautiful parks we visited in the UK. I was telling my husband, we should come here for a picnic. If you have children and want to take them to a park, the Shaab neighborhood park is a pleasant place for children to enjoy and to have a picnic. It's a nice place to take a stroll and watch the ducks and geese. 

Shaab neigborhood Park - Location Map


  1. Beautiful pics. Seems like a peaceful place to hang around.

  2. Nice article and beautiful pictures

  3. Thank you. Glad you like the post and the photos.
