Monday 31 March 2014


On Saturday evening, we passed by the Olympia Mall to see the Earth Hour celebrations organized by Kuwait Team for Global Warming supported by Kuwait Ministry of Youth. There was a huge crowd gathered at the event. We missed the parade and walkathon that was held earlier. There were Parkour artists and men in karate outfits. Adjacent to the stage was several stalls and one of the stall had children busy with art work. A stage was set up for the shows. We reached there around 7.30 pm, so I don't know what events were held before that. 

Speeches were given about  energy conversation awareness, the importance of three R's and teaching our children the same to build a better world for their future. Prizes were given out to three visitors who were able to say each of the three R's, which is 'reduce, recycle and reuse'. Around 8 pm, the band Chromatics performed. Their rendering of songs was beautiful. After which, the countdown for earth hour began. At sharp 8.30 pm, the lights on the outside of the Mall, the two tall towers,  and the stage was turned off until 9.30 pm. Everyone had to shout out 'Earth Hour' when that happened. We left around 8.45 pm, that means, we missed the rest of the shows that took place. There were candles lit up, designed in Earth Hour logo but got extinguished in the strong winds. 

I am sure the rest of the program would have been quite entertaining. Though I would have loved to stay back until 9.30 pm, unfortunately we had to leave early due to other commitments. Hope those who stayed back had a great time. 

Thank you Kuwait Team for Global Warming for organizing this beautiful event to encourage awareness in energy saving and conversation. 

Now for some photos I took at the Earth Hour celebrations.

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