Monday 24 March 2014


I couldn't ask the staff why the farm was named Solar farm and if they used solar energy at the farm because of the language barrier. The farm was open and there was one more family visiting besides us. The farm didn't have any vegetables or fruits yet. There were lots of green houses that had tiny plants growing. I couldn't make out what they were. With my limited understanding of what the staff tried to tell me, was that they have just planted the seeds and it will take a while for the harvest. I did get excited when I saw very young banana plants in plenty and a variety of flowers being grown for sale. Banana plants would look fabulous once they are fully grown with a large bunch of bananas. In some parts of India and few other Asian countries, the big beautiful leaves of the banana plant is used for serving food and even used for wrapping and steaming certain rice based items. Some recipes have fish in exotic spices wrapped in banana leaves are steamed or shallow fried! Large leaves are also used for serving cooked meals instead of a plate or even to decorate a plate as a base for serving!. 

There was an enclosure were deers were kept. The duck and goose farm and chicken farm was nice. I liked the wide open spaces where the birds could roam freely. We then passed by a goat farm, where three different breeds of goats were reared separately. They looked healthy and one particular breed looked unique. You will see that in the photos. We were told they are reared for their meat and not for milk. If you offer them grass, they will try to climb up and reach out. 

We visited Solar farm on Saturday afternoon. Now that the weather is fluctuating between warm and hot during the day time and afternoons, the best time to be at the farms in Wafra would be close to 4 pm for slightly after. The Solar farm is on the way while driving towards Yasmin Farms. If you look at how the entrance to the farm looks like in my photograph it will be easy to spot. I am giving a map link to Yasmin Farm. Look out for the Solar farm located around 500 metres to less than 1 km before Yasmin Farms. I would suggest for you to visit both the farms. There is no entrance fee to Solar Farm. Yasmin farm has a golf car tour of their farm for 10 KD. Their golf car can hold at least five to six persons. 


  1. Farms seems to be good. People announce that there is no entry fee but people at entrance itself asking/barkin money (all are money oriented). Also, the people (supervisor, Manager) inside farm behaves like a cow boy, no sense, no manner, following like animals. Treating peoples/visitors as an animal especially expatriates. I don't know how he is behaving with local citizens.

    Better not to visit, even though if it is heaven. All are going there to enjoy and bring the piece and happiness within. Instead, we are paying money for losing our happiness, peace. Too many restrictions.

  2. Farms seems to be good especially winter season. People announce that there is no entry fee but people at entrance itself asking/barkin money (all are money oriented). Also, the people (supervisor, Manager) inside farm behaves like a cow boy, no sense, no manner, following like animals. Treating peoples/visitors as an animals especially expatriates. I don't know how he is behaving with local citizens.

    Better not to visit, even though if it is heaven. All are going there to enjoy and bring the piece and happiness within. Instead, we are paying money for losing our happiness, peace. Too many restrictions.
