Thursday 27 March 2014


I came across this on the window of  Kenneth Cole store at Grand Avenues, an ad for their 2014 spring collection . 

When I hear people talk about how they view themselves, their view is varied depending on how comfortable, they are about themselves, how they feel about themselves, if they are happy in their own skin or feel less because they compare themselves to others,  if they are confident with a high self esteem or look down upon themselves. If they have a victim mentality or a survivor or victor or super confident mentality. Sometimes you are your best friend or your worst critic. If you are confident, respect yourself and care enough for yourself and for those around,  it shows and reflects in your personality and in your interactions with others. And others will treat you or reciprocate based on the subtle  messages you give through your conversations, body language, credibility of your word and dress sense.  Dressing well is an outward expression. And yes you can't be shabby, it's important to groom and dress well. It does speak a lot about you.  How do you feel from the inside? What is your view of you? Are you happy with who you are?. If not, what are there positive changes you'd like to bring into your personality, that will make you happy? Remember, limitations are only in our mind mostly out the negative talk we feed ourselves at times. You are your own sculptor, blessed with all the inner tools to work on yourself. 

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