Sunday 23 March 2014


In the past several months, I have been reading articles and write ups in blogs and e-magazines about Yasmin Farms. And I 've been wanting to go there since a while now. So finally we paid a visit. I had read in other blogs that a walking tour within the Yasmin farms cost 1 KD per person and a tour in the golf car cost 2 KD per person. I tried to call them before we left, but no one was answering the phone. Anyway, we drove to Wafra, entered Yasmin farms and parked our car in the parking area. 

The farm appeared to look beautiful. We went into the Farmer's Market and enquired about the payment for the walking tour and golf car tour. We were told, its now 10 KD  for golf car tour and that they have stopped the walking tours. The tour would include visit to the cow and sheep farms and the vegetable farms located on the left section of the farm allowed for visitors. So we didn't tour the farm. We felt 10 KD for golf car was bit too expensive for just the two of us, for a 15 minute drive compared to all the previous visitors who got to see the farm for 2 KD per person on the golf car. If a family of four persons like parents and two children or whatever, were to take the golf car, that amount would have been fine. So we ended up browsing in the Farmer's Market at the farm, which is really lovely with so many fresh produce, pickles, honey, dried fruits, Alban milk, yoghurt, cheese, and so many other eatables. Their milk is absolutely delicious. I am not much of a milk person, but I could have a whole glass of cold Alban milk and enjoy every sip. I have tried their halloum and akawi cheese from cow's milk as well as their goat cheese before, since they are available in some of the co-ops and Sultan Center. Alban dairy products are produced on a daily basis on Yasmin farms. And they are really good. 

We toured a bit of the front premises and left for the open fruit and vegetable market in Wafra, drove around some taking photos of sheep grazing in the outdoors. And we went to another farm, which I will be posting about. I called up their office this morning and they confirmed that yes, they have increased their golf car rates and stopped the walking tour.  

I wish Yasmin Farms would allow visitors to go on a walking tour as before and reduce their golf car tour charges. I would still highly recommend for you to visit the farm with your family in a group of four or five persons/children so you don't have to worry about the price and get to see one of the most beautiful farms in Wafra, open to the public. Try to visit it before the hot weather starts by mid April. The farm is open on Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 8 am till 6 pm.

Yasmin farms location

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