Saturday 22 March 2014


I remember a month ago telling my husband, very soon my blog will hit one million page views and quite honestly I forgot all about it. I've been so busy. I do a write up of events I visited or enjoyed, upload the photos and post and rush to other things I have to attend to. I do look at how many visits I got the previous day but haven't been keeping a tab on the page views. Don't ask why. And today, I opened my blog, wanting to write about the beautiful events I visited over the weekend and I glance at the page views and I couldn't believe what I saw, my humble little blog has surpassed one million page views, 1000877 to be exact when I took the screen shot a little while ago.  And the count keeps increasing. I was so excited, I called my husband and showed him my page views. He was excited for me too, seeing me all so thrilled. You know, my blog's 3rd anniversary was on 25th February. 

There are a million blogs out there and there are so many interesting local blogs as well. Sometimes, I feel like a tiny fish in a big ocean of so many amazing fishes. I do end up wondering whether the contents of my blog posts are interesting to those who visit. The labor I put into my blog is purely out of the love of writing and photography, both being my favorite hobbies that have a therapeutical effect. I don't generate any income from my blog. My blog is a medium for me to share all things beautiful that add entertainment, fun, meaning, richness and peace in our busy lives that includes interesting cultural, musical and artistic events that happen in Kuwait, places to visit, besides positivity and wellness.  

Thank you my dearest readers who visit my blog. You are special to me and hope you keeping visiting and enjoy all that I share. 

Bless you!
- Kuweight 64

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