Thursday 17 April 2014


I have been reading reviews about SAVECO since the past couple of months, that we finally decided to drop by last Saturday. We really didn't need to buy much because we are travelling next week and I need to empty my fridge than stack it. So basically we went to check out the place.  It's located in the the right corner in the same line as Lulu hypermarket in Shuwaikh. You cannot miss it.

What struck me about SAVECO when we went in, is the sense of space, with lots of greenery. The place is very spacious and everything is arranged so neatly. I found the staff to be very helpful. I wish SAVECO remains this way. Sometimes, when I go to certain supermarkets, I feel claustrophobic with the congested arrangements and stacking of goods done mindlessly. We tried out the Nabla tea samples, one was green tea with mint and the other one was with lemon grass. The sales lady poured boiling / hot water into the cup that contained the tea leaves secured under a thin film of material in the cup. She added sugar,  and let it infuse for a minute or two and voila...we sat at a table and enjoyed every sip of the relaxing tea. Both flavors were really nice and definitely recommended if you are a tea lover. Have you tried Let's Popcorn? It's made in Kuwait, has a fresh feel to it, tastes good and the texture is something I really liked. Let's popcorn is available in plain and different flavors at SAVECO. We tried the caramel and oreo coated ones. The caramel tastes very much like the caramel popcorn from  Garrett. 

We didn't go up to the first floor since we didn't have much time in our hands. We went around the ground floor. I picked up pomegranates, I just love them, something I have been asked to have regularly by my doctor. I got some Italian herbs and coffee. SAVECO has everything a hypermarket would have including a hot food counter, and a seating area if you want to eat there.

Hoping to go back to SAVECO when when we return from our trip. Now for some photos I took.

Update : Wheel chairs and their carts are available at SAVECO for use, free of charge. I'ts quite appreciative that this facility has been introduced to making shopping a comfortable experience. 

Check out their facebook page for cookery courses/classes they hold and other updates

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