Sunday 9 November 2014


Image : Photo taken in Atlanta, Georgia during my trip to U.S. last year 

How often do you find yourself in a dilemma? End up sad and confused when those closest to you whom you love and trust do not not agree with you. You might end up thinking they don't care, they are not supportive. This can escalate into conflicts. The fact is, people could have differing views to yours, and can still love you and support you. 

Here's a beautiful quote from an article 1O Relationship Truths every Woman needs to know @

"Being supportive and agreeing are two separate things. When it comes to relationships, many of us get the concepts of support and agreement confused. We think that just because someone doesn't agree with our decision or view it means that they don't support us. This is completely untrue. It is possible to disagree and still be supportive. We can uphold our opinions without being constantly validated by others" - .Jennifer Twardowski, self, relationship coach and teacher.

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