Monday 3 November 2014


My friend and I had a nice time at the Qout Market on Saturday. The weather was fantastic. There were definitely more vendors, more stalls, more home made food to personal care products. What else - artisan products, fresh produce, crafts, painting, plants, flowers, beverages, jams, pickles, breads, cookies, savouries, snacks, pastries, sweets, decorative articles and much more. 

Compared to their past events, most of the items were being sold at an exorbitant price. What's fascinating is the amazing artistic display by the vendors. Quite a visual and gastronomic treat. There was a huge turnover of visitors. For the first time, I tried 'palm juice'. It tasted really good, so I bought a bottle. The stall selling freshly made 'wheat grass' juice in tiny bottles had quite a crowd as the vendor explained how wheat grass juice is a highly nourishing. Well, I hope to try it some time. I bought a small hand made lavender soap from an Irish lady. Lavender has calming properties. She has a lavender farm in Ireland and the flowers are used to extract essential oils, which are added to make the soap along with the dried lavender buds. 

Some of the private farms displayed their produce - lovely organic fruits and vegetables and honey. Do you know there is bee keeping and honey cultivation in Kuwait by private farmers?. Two vendors had displayed cidar honey gathered from their bee farm. I got to sample home grown pomegranate, which was light red in color and a bit sour. A farmer told me he grows grapes in his farm and he expects to open his farm for the public, after two months. Well I hope so really!. I am very interested to see a vineyard in Kuwait. My friend and I had 'karak chai' infused with cardamom, ginger and saffron before we left. Perfect soothing tea during this beautiful weather which I replicated at home on Sunday evening !

Qout Market is held on the first Saturday of every month at Arraya Center roof top car park. So if you haven't been to Qout Market yet, be sure to visit it  on the first Saturday in December. Now here are plenty of photos for you to enjoy.

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