Friday 7 February 2014


Isn't this so true?. I am thankful for every kind person I know. You are a blessing! 


A four hand piano duo was performed by Harriet Bushman and Stephanie Cheng and opera duets by Anna Karadimitrova and Oana Severin at Maidan Cultural Center on Wednesday 5 February. A huge number of audience turned up for this event. The story of every opera song chosen for that evening was explained to us before they would start to sing. The piano recital and the opera was beautiful.


Taken at Doha beach / bay, close to  the Entertainment City. 

If we could relate these old boats to life these boats which would have sailed the seas traveling distances, they were the means of livelihood and business. The old useless broken boats were once capable of doing so much and must have accomplished a lot. If these boats could talk, they would have so many stories and adventures to share. When you are young, you are full of energy and life and chase your dreams and accomplishing whatever you can. Then age catches up and you can not do those things you once did so effortlessly. You are left with a body that may not cooperate with you desires, for it has reached it's physical limits due to age. But you are left to cherish beautiful memories and share  hundreds of stories about a life once lived!


I had attended Quade Herman's workshop for creative writing at the TIES Center on 7 January. If there is a writer in you aspiring to come out, or you are a writer but want want ideas and some more knowledge that will help you with your writing, there is good news. Quade Herman is holding a six week creative writing workshop/course which will give you valuable information and guidance that will inspire your creativity and help you with the basics of writing fiction and creative non-fiction. 

For registering, contact TIES Center, telephone : 25231015 / 6
Charges : 3O KD for six weeks
When : February 16 to March 23. Every Sunday, 7pm to 8.3Opm at TIES Center

Quade Herman


Shaab neighborhood park is a small park and playground for children in the residential area. I first read about it on Kuwait Moms Guide and I particularly became curious and interested when I read about the park having a duck pond. 

When you enter the park, on the left is the children's playground and play area and to the right is a big duck pond. There are several seating and tables in the park. I think the park would look really beautiful and green, if almost the entire area were to have grass and some perennial flowers to brighten up the place. The park has lots of green trees and bushes but only small portions of the park has grass. There are big open spaces where children can play.  It's a very peaceful feeling you'd experience when you visit the park, well at least that's what I felt. Unlike most parks, there is a pond with ducks and geese, which is a star attraction. We saw a tray with at least two dozen slices of bread kept for them. While we were taking pictures of the ducks and geese, a man comes with a wooden carton filled with salad leaves and keeps it near the pond and shouts out to them summoning them to come and eat. I think the ducks and geese were a bit scared to come forward to avoid the children that were trying to catch their attention. Well, the children decided to feed the ducks and started to throw the salad leaves and bread towards them. I wished I could tell them not to pollute the water in the pond, as most of what they threw were falling in the pond. Some of the leaves did manage to land near the ducks and they seemed to enjoy their lunch.  

I love visiting parks. When I think of parks, what comes to my mind are the beautiful parks we visited in the UK. I was telling my husband, we should come here for a picnic. If you have children and want to take them to a park, the Shaab neighborhood park is a pleasant place for children to enjoy and to have a picnic. It's a nice place to take a stroll and watch the ducks and geese. 

Shaab neigborhood Park - Location Map


Another late post! Mr. Greek restaurant a Canadian franchise restaurant opened in Marina Mall food court on Wednesday 15 January.  We decided to go and watch the Greek dance they were planning to hold as a part of the opening and check out the restaurant. 

We reached there at 7pm and there was nothing happening in the atrium dome. So we went upstairs to the food court and there were lots of people around the restaurant. We were told, the dance would start in 5 minutes. No sooner did they say that, the dancers in Greek outfits gathered at the atrium dome area and danced to beautiful Greek music. We took the escalator, went down to watch the dance at close quarters. The music was so lively and captivating, it was no surprise when several young people from the crowd joined the dance. That looked like fun. Then the dancers went up and performed again in the midst of a crowded audience. This was followed by another dance. I don't know what it's called. You can see it in the photos I've put up. 

Couple of games were held for the public and prizes given away, followed by food sampling. Greek food is really nice. They have an interesting menu with lots of Greek food to choose from. Once their musical and dance event came to and end, people started to order from their menu. Have any of you been to the Mr. Greek restaurant yet?