Wednesday 27 January 2016


Every Saturday, the camel race club in Kabd holds camel race from 2 pm to 3 pm. Races are held every 15 to 2O minutes.  You can enjoy the race seated comfortably in the glassed viewing area in the first floor of the large club building.  Or stand right near the race track and watch the camel race in close quarters. We prefer to be near the track, close enough to photograph the camels in action. When you look at the pictures, you would notice the camels are foaming through the mouth. It's saliva turning into white foam as they gallop. The camels have robotic jockeys placed on top. Camel owners control the robotic jockeys using wireless remote control as they drive in their vehicles alongside the camels in a parallel track. Adjacent the race track near a black tent you will find three camels with their caretakers offering free camel rides for both adults and children. Fancy something hot during the cold weather? Hot black tea  prepared in traditional teapots on charcoal is served from 2pm to 3 pm outside, right beneath the viewing building, facing the track.

After the race, prizes are given to the winning camel owner. We were served buttermilk and white butter made from camel milk in the diwaniya on the ground of the viewing building.  I didn't take a picture of that. It's absolutely delicious. You are supposed to lift the bowl and drink the buttermilk. No paper cups or spoons are provided. This treat is to be enjoyed the traditional way. They also serve dates alongside. Sometimes this served in the tent opposite the race track.

The races are held from November to March. The viewing building has restrooms. Every year we make two visits to the camel race club during winter when the weather is just so beautiful.  Here are some photos I took during the race last Saturday.

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