Tuesday 9 February 2016


On Friday we drove a distance of 120 kms from Salmiya to Albohayra Alzarqa farm in Abdally, close to the Iraq border. Although the intent of visiting Blue Lake farm, Albohayra Alzarqa was for strawberry picking, we were delighted to see so much more  besides the joyful experience of picking strawberries. You can read about my strawberry picking experience and enjoy the photos in the link here

As you enter the farm, to your left is the parking for the mini zoo. Cows, different breed of goats and their adorable kids, llama, ducks, geese, and fish is what we saw in the little zoo. Around 12.40 pm, the main entrance leading to the green houses opened which is  away from the mini zoo. It just took a minute or so to drive down from the zoo parking to the green houses.   A lot of people turned up for strawberry picking. The farm has a shop within the green house, selling fresh vegetable produce, salad leaves, herbs and fruit. Accessible from the shop,  is a green house, where  lilies are grown on a large scale. What I saw were white ones, some in bloom and rest were still buds. Gorgeous lilies can be bought at their flower shop.  Their specialty tea Nabta infused with herbs in paper cups are available for purchase. All you have to do is add hot water and sugar to the cup. If you feel hungry or could do with some snack, boiled corn on the cob is served hot. You can even buy a cup of herb infused black tea. Beautiful orange trees with oranges glowing in the sunlight adorned the outer area of the green house. In one of the green houses were tomato plants with lovely red and green tomatoes, big and tiny sizes. In another green house parallel to the strawberry green house has bougainvillea, and several varieties of potted plants and flowers for sale.

The Blue lake farm opens after Friday prayer's,  at around 12.4O pm  until 6pm. The strawberry green house  is open only from 1 pm to 1.3O pm.  The farm is also open on Saturdays from 9 am to 6 pm. Strawberry picking will be on Fridays until end of March. After picking strawberries, you can walk around explore the farm, the green houses, mini zoo, the family picnic area and children's play area by a little pond. You could bring some food and water and enjoy at the picnic area. 

I have written a separate post on strawberry picking. Click here read the post.

albohayra instagram

Location on Google maps

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