Tuesday 29 March 2011


There are certain days, when you might have to miss your exercise, say if you are going out. In the beginning when that happens, you might end up feeling rather bad that you have to miss it. Later, when you have to miss your exercise repeatedly, one tends to feel lazy, supported by various excuses and give up on exercise. If you are exercising 5 days a week, and you miss one or more days, you are burning less calories for that week. It happened to me last week. I went for my walk twice last week and did my morning stretch exercise 4 times last week. That’s wasn’t much exercise from my end to support my diet. Being an outdoor person, I love going out and I have decided to exercise early, the day I would go out.

Well, you could chart out an alternative. If you happen to go out during a week day, you could exercise during the weekend to compensate. If you need to go out several times in a week and it clashes with your exercise timing, you could reschedule your exercise. You could exercise early in the morning or exercise sometime before you go out. For the strong willed, you can exercise after you return from out. I had an uncle who was such a busy man. Once I rang him at 10.30pm and he was out walking and I asked my aunt, why does he walk so late. She told me, he was too busy until 10pm, so it’s only after that, he gets time to exercise! It’s just an example to cite if you really want to do something, you would somehow fit it in your tight schedule. Try to think of ways you could fit in the exercise somehow. If it’s totally impossible, then you could exercise whichever days you can and be more diligent the week after.

Like how you take a bath, or brush your teeth or have 3 meals a day or reach office on time, make sure your body gets exercise too. Feeling lazy is no excuse to miss your exercise. Say ‘No’ to any negative feeling that make you want to postpone your exercise for no important reason. You should not however, exercise if you are sick for a few days.

Observe people around you who are strong willed and determined, they are so persistent and never give up in whatever it is they do, no matter how much effort or time it takes them. Can’t we imbibe some enthusiasm and similar mindset to achieve our goal? I am totally interested. How about you?

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