Tuesday 29 March 2011


The last time I weighed was on 21st March and I was 71 kg. Today when I weighed after 8 days, the scale showed 70.5 kg.

25.02.2011 - 76 kg

04.03.2011 - 74 kg

12.03.2011 – 72 kg

21.03.2011 – 71 kg

29.03.2011 – 70.5 kg

Total Loss : 5.5  kg  in 33 days

Weight loss for the week : 0.5 kg.

In a month’s time of dieting, our body gets used to the low calorie food and adjusts itself to run on the the lesser number of calories. This is when it’s become really important to exercise, to burn off calories that is existing as fat in our body. An hour of brisk walking, walking and running, aerobics, swimming, anything you desire, so long as you use up the energy from stored fat. Stretch exercise or Spot exercise done for specific areas only tone your body and will not burn calories. Stretch exercises or spot exercises are important too, which you can do anytime of the day.  

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