Wednesday 9 March 2011


One of the most asked questions while adhering to a weight loss regime is, 'Why am I not losing weight?' What does it take to lose consistently? The answer lies in smart eating and exercise.  Besides avoiding fried foods, sweets, pastries and so, portion sizes, a low calorie diet and having 5 meals is very important. Try to stick to a time frame when you would have your 5 meals everyday. It might be a bit difficult for working people, but see what you can do.

Do print out a calorie counter from the internet, which can give you an idea to calculate the approximate number of calories you consume each day. An obese person who needs to shed a lot of weight, can go on a 1500 calorie diet and gradually move to a 1200 calorie diet after two months. A person who is overweight, can go on a 1200 calorie diet, gradually reducing your calories to 1000 after two to three months.

For beginners, you would face withdrawal symptoms, as the body sort of refuses the new diet, you will face hunger pangs, a desire to eat more, cravings etc. Don't feel let down, stick to your diet for 21 days and your body gets used to the new diet. It take around 21 days to form a new habit! If you falter in between, don't lose hope, go back on your diet and exercise. Don't give up.

A sample diet I share here is a 1200 calorie diet (approximately).

Breakfast (bewteen 8.30am and 9.30am)-
Low calorie breakfast choices
1. One slice of brown bread with low fat feta cheese (or any cheese), tomato, salad leaves
2. Boiled or poached egg, and any vegetable salad of your choice (with minimal dressing)
3. Fried egg (with grated carrot, choppted tomatoes, onions, spinach) made on a non-stick pan or with very little olive oil
4. A small bowl of porridge (oats in milk) topped with 3 chopped dates and chopped fruits and few nuts (please don't fill your porridge with lots of nuts and fruits - 3 almonds or 3 cashew nuts should do and perhaps, half an apple or small chopped banana).
5. Any traditional breakfast of your country so long as its modified to a low calorie one.
*Breakfast should not exceed 350 calories.
*Those who like to have tea or coffee (black or with milk), DO NOT have it with breakfast. Have your tea between 7am and 7.30am or even earlier as per your office timing. Keep a  gap between you tea and your breakfast. There is no need to avoid sugar in your tea. You can use one teaspoon of sugar (which is around 15 calories)

Mid morning (around 11am)
Any fruit of your choice (banana, apple, orange..) should not exceed 80 calories

Lunch (1pm to 2 pm)
Whatever lunch you would like to have so you don't feel you are on a diet as such. Stick to a small portion. comprising of proteins, carbohydrates and vitamins. White meat like fish, chicken are recommended. Try to avoid red meat. You can have potatoes, rice or brown bread, pasta in small portion. Have plenty of vegetable salad to fill you up. There is a freedom of choice here and restriction is only for portion and calories. Your lunch should not exceed 400 calories. Avoid sweets or pastries for dessert.
*Your lunch should not exceed 400 calories.
* A lot of people avoid 'carbohydrates' like rice, pasta, bread for they fear of not losing weight. Our body needs carbohydrates in small portions. It will not prevent us from losing weight. Without carbohydrates in your diet, you will tend to get depressed, moody and irritable. Will discuss that in a later post.

Afternoon tea/coffee  (around 4.30 pm to 5.30pm)
With or without milk, your choice. Donot add more than one teaspoon of sugar

Dinner (7.30 pm to 8.30pm)
Any soup of your choice, or a small salad with or without a small slice of bread (like dinner rolls, french bread etc.) Should not exceed 300 calories

At night: (optional)
Only if you feel really hungry, have a fruit or low fat milk, half a carrot or a whole cucumber.

You can also have 2 to 3 cups of green tea throughout the day WITHOUT SUGAR. Nuts such as cashewnuts, almonds and peanuts can be had in moderation during the day (not more than 8, as they contain a lot of calories). Do refer to calorie counter on the internet.

Find time to exercise 3 to 5 times a week for an hour. For better results, 5 times a week is recommended. When we want something badly, we can make time for it right?

For those who have diabetes or any health issues, do visit your doctor or dietician  for a diet specially suited for you to lose weight. The diet above is for people who donot have any health issues and  not meant to replace any advice given to you by a healthcare professional.

Here's a quote I found on the internet sometime back, 'Diets don't work. Behavior Modification for life is the only answer. We know what we shouldn't eat, like any fast food, and once you start eating right, your weight problems will go away forever'.

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