Sunday 6 March 2011


I draw the curtains in the morning and what a beautiful bright day it is! The weather is too good to be in the house. My husband has gone to work and the house is quiet. Even when he is at home, I am the one who makes all the noise (doing all the talking! LOL!).

I make some  tea and sit on my favourite part of the sofa (LOL). I put on classical music that is peaceful and energizing. Sipping my cup of tea, I count the number of days I have been on a diet. IT’S EXACTLY TEN DAYS. I am not tempted to weigh my self, but yes I am curious, ‘Did I lose any more weight, after the 2 kg weight loss?’ I shall wait until Saturday and weigh myself. In the meantime, I should continue to be disciplined and stick to the pact I made with myself, to alter my food choices and follow a healthy diet that comprises of  fruits, vegetables, carbohydrates and proteins and eat in moderation.. I am just going to avoid the fried foods and sweets. Good enough!

And for my exercise, I will go the Avenues Mall in 2 hours time and walk up and down the ground and first floor until I complete an hour of walking and then treat myself not to food or sugary stuff that would be all around me, but look around in the beautiful shops of choice and even take some pictures. Oh I love taking pictures.


  1. Your blog is so pretty. I wish you the best of luck with your new healthy lifestyle. :)

  2. Expat and City, Thankyou so much. I enjoy your blog a lot and always look forward to reading your new posts.
