Monday 7 March 2011


I had a different sort of time at the Avenues Mall on Sunday. I walked for an hour and half in the mall, covering the ground floor and first floor,  without stopping anywhere. I felt quite tired in the end and thirsty too. I needed to drink something badly. I went to 'Au bon pain' and had a delicious fruit cocktail of strawberry, mango and banana. I told them to pour the juices in layers, so that I could enjoy every sip with delight. ! That was really rejuvenating. I was totally lost in my cocktail, I didn't take a picture. I didn't feel like getting up from there, LOL! I went through their interesting menu and liked their list of salads and wraps. However I didn't order anything to eat. I deserve a pat on my back for resisting temptation, considering my love for food. I promised myself, I would be back one day, when I lose a certain amount weight, I would return to this place to treat myself to something healthy. Those of you who have not tried 'Au Bon Pain', do visit the place at the Avenues Phase II, they really have a nice menu and the prices are reasonable.

I went to a couple of shops and bought a few things I needed. The day went well, and what I was most pleased about is I did manage to get some exercise and also didn't get tempted to eat from any of those inviting restaurants, which I otherwise, would have. To pass each day with a feeling, 'Okay, I managed this day, devoid of temptation and fulfilled the promise I made to myself' is a wonderful feeling. Whenever I might get tempted, I hope a higher intelligence takes over me and I can exercise self restraint. The higher and lower intelligences all function within us and it depends which one we give more importance to or allow to guide us.

And to those of you who wish to lose weight, don't wait for tomorrow....start today! If you falter, no problem, don't worry about it, continue your diet the next day.

I saw this on the window of a shop in Avenues Mall ! ’Be careful what you wish for’ and yes we can do that as we always have the power of choice, Right?

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