Sunday 20 March 2011


I read this motivational saying sometime back which I had saved in my 'Weight Loss Folder'.

"No one is meant to be fat or unhappy. I am still fat, yes, but its not my destiny. I will get this weight off!"

Wow...what a positive affirmation, isn't it?  I feel there is no need to feel  unhappy especially when you have made up your mind to lose weight and you are working on it.  I am grateful to God for helping me stick to my weight loss journey. In the end I know it will be worth the effort.

Today I went to the Avenues Mall and spend time walking and window shopping.  I passed by Pink Berry and I remembered the homework I'd done, checking out their frozen yoghurt calories on the internet the other day. Different flavours and sizes and topping would give you different calorie ranges, but they are all within acceptable norms for a person on a diet. If you are on a weight loss plan, and you happen to be out at the mall and you feel hungry during lunch time, you can have a medium cup of frozen yoghurt with a variety of fruit topping.   It is quite filling and a meal in itself containing proteins, carbohydrates and vitamins you need.  And if you are really, I mean really hungry, you can have a small 'LOW CALORIE' green salad from one of the restaurants later on. Ultimately, be aware of roughly how much calories you consume in a day.  Does it sound wierd, having frozen yoghurt, followed by a salad. Well you can do it the other way around too!

The goodness of yoghurt and fruits
I learnt something today. You feel in control and powerful when you refuse to give in to any temptation and eat what's healthy for you, what your body truly needs.  


  1. Very inspiring stuff. I'm starting to be convinced and summer is coming. Good time to start a diet. Hope it goes as well as yours.

  2. Thankyou LWDLIK! I am sure it will go well if you wish to start a diet.
