Sunday 10 April 2011


Summer has begun in Kuwait, and its time to give extra care to your hair. Whatever is your hair type, massaging your scalp with warm oil an hour or two before your bath or shower, would be very uselful, encouraging blood circulation and nourishing the roots of your hair. Do this thrice a week. If you don't have time, you could do it once a week.

Magic potion for the hair
1 Tablespoon olive oil,
1 Tblsp castor oil
1 Tblsp almond oil
1 Tblsp coconut oil
4 pepper pods
1/4 tsp cumin seeds
3 fresh basil leaves
4 or 5 fresh henna leaves or 1 tsp good quality henna powder 

Mix all the oils in a dish. Crush  pepper pods, cumin seeds, basil leaves and henna leaves, add into the oil. If using henna powder, just add to oil and mix well. If its thick, add little more olive oil for application consistency purpose. Heat it over the fire on really slow fire till warm (don't over heat). Take off from fire and mix well. You don't have to strain it before application, unless you choose to. Use cotton, dip into the warm oil, apply on your entire scalp and massage gently and apply oil to rest of your hair. Keep for 1 to 2 hours and wash off with a shampoo and see the difference. You might need to shampoo twice to remove traces of oil. Now this is a tip for a treatment from outside. Now for healthy hair, you should eat healthy food as well. Fruits, vegetables, skim milk, yoghurt, and stay away from too much sugar and junk food.

Talk to your hairdresser and see if you could carry this oil to your Hair spa or Parlour and she could warm it and massage it to your scalp and wash your hair for you. Carry a positive attitude and don't be a victim of stress, as stress can lead to hair fall.