Sunday 10 April 2011


Horse meat Plov of Uzkebistan

In Uzbekistan, Horse meat Plov (horsemeat with rice cooked in spices) is a famous national dish  and to Uzbeks, horsemeat is a delicacy.
French, Italians, Swiss, Japanese and Quebecois in Canada are horse meat aficionados. Horsemeat is lean, firm, rich in protein and low in fat, finely textured, bright red from the myoglobin content in muscle fibres. Horse meat is supposedly very mild and sweet-tasting because of its high glycogen content. Last year, there was proposal from the health minister in Italy to ban horse meat and consider horses as pets like cats and dogs. In UK , USA , horses are considered as companions, pets or used for work, not food.

'Basahi', sliced raw horse meat served in Japan
The thought of eating 'horse meat' is totally  uncomfortable, well, actually a definite No-No for me.