Thursday 26 May 2011


Last evening on BCC channel, I was listening to First Lady Michelle Obama's absolutely inspiring speech at Oxford University. 'Don't be afraid to take risks!' Michelle Obama advised the students during her speech. The meeting with 35 girls from the Elizabeth Garrett Anderson School took place at the Christ Church college, in the same dining room that was featured in the Harry Potter films.

With more than 90 per cent of pupils from an ethnic minority background, Michelle chose the students because they are not reaching their full potential.
The students spent the day immersed in the Oxford experience to learn more about what happens at one of Britain's elite universities.  'I was also impressed with your achievements. I was inspired by your passion and your energy. The meeting is part of Obama's effort to emphasize the importance of education.  In her speech she told the girls,  'I felt this strong sense of connection with all of you because in your stories, I saw so much of my own story.'  She told them that great universities like Oxford had a lot to offer them, and they had a lot to offer great universities like Oxford - and encouraged them to aim high. 'Oxford is one of the most renowned universities in the world... If you can see yourself here in Oxford, you can see yourself anywhere,' she said. The students were utterly smitten by her.

To read more about First Lady Michelle Obama's speech at Oxford University, visit:

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