Sunday 12 June 2011


Lord Coe reveals the Golden Torch at St. Pancras Station (Reuters)

The design of the London 2012 Olympic torch has been revealed. The torch’s gold-coloured aluminium frame, adorned with a discreet London 2012 logo, contains 8,000 holes, representing each of the ­runners who will transport the flame for 70 days around the United Kingdom and Ireland. The three sides represent the three London Olympics: 1908, 1948 and 2012, as well as the Olympic motto – “higher, faster, stronger”. It is powered by gas but is still undergoing weather testing to ensure it withstands everything the British summer can throw at it.

 Designers Edward Barber and Jay Osgerby said they wanted to make the torch, which weighs 800 grams and stands 800mm high “physically light and visually light”, easy to hold and robust enough to survive, being dropped, especially as half of the torch runners will be aged 12 to 24. 

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