Sunday 12 June 2011


It's been a while since I posted about my weight loss journey and the results. Well frankly, from my last weight loss update, I haven't lost any further weight as I haven't been exercising much as I would like to....I don't want to blame lack of time for that, rather, I wasn't able to fit a daily exercise routine into my daily schedule. I've decided to keep aside like before, an hour from the 24 hours that I am gifted with each day, for exercise. I have been following a low calorie diet, with occasional small allowances of what I'd like to have, nothing heavy though, all within a conscious 1200 calories. 

Those of you who are dieting, don't lose hope when you look at the scale, continue your low calorie diet...but most importantly, besides watching what you consume, you have to take care of your output....the only way to burn the excess fat or calories is through exercise. You can go to my Older posts and check for posts on 'Weight loss, Exercise as well as health' for great useful tips. I managed to lose 8 kg within 3.5 months and my journey of weight loss will continue to ensure I lose another 4 to 5 kg. Those of you wishing to lose weight...keep going...don't give up. You will reach your goal.

Exercise is not just for losing weight. It's something everyone needs to do atleast 5 times a week, as we are not created to be sedentary.  

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