Wednesday 3 August 2011


Don't we all wish we could avoid diffcult people? To an extent we can...if they are outsiders...we can allow not to let their attitude and erratic behavior get to us, if they are a shop attendant, teller staff so on. What if they are colleagues, or relatives, or family or even friends whom you actually can't avoid. Difficult people enjoy making life difficult for others with a concious effort. They don't feel good by being nice or polite or kind or understanding or even courteous. If you understand their intent, you don't have to let them get to you. Tantrums, obnoxious behavior, screaming out loud, colourful language are all means to seek attention and exercise authority, which they seem to indulge in constantly to keep themselves feeling good and adequate. Well, when they want to express something,  they just make their point in such a wrong way (if they have a point at all!). Don't fall prey to such people. Don't let these mean morons get to you. They want to see you upset and dampen your spirit and get a kick out of it. It's not worth worrying over what they think or how they feel. It's more important what you think and what matters to you. Keep your spirits high, be positive and spread the cheer and positivity. The world is not full of bad people...there are plenty of good people too! And as for the difficult people...too bad they just can't never know what it is to be just be plain 'kind, patient and understanding' and miss out on the goodness of life.

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