Wednesday 3 August 2011


AirFryer  by Philips using Rapid air technology for frying without using oil or very little oil,  is a new revolution in home cooking that enables you to have foods that are otherwise deep fried or shallow fried. For the health-conscious, it's a great way to prepare snacks or even entire meals that would turn out 80% less fattening. Philips Air Fryer is easy to clean and the integrated air filter prevents unwanted cooking smells and vapours in the kitchen. Philips Air Fryer using Rapid Air technology combines fast circulating hot air with a grill that cooks and crisp a variety of snacks and foods from tasty fries to tempura, fish, , chicken nuggets and even meat.  You can interrupt cooking to check on progress whenever you want, to ensure you get the result you want. The adjustable temperature control lets you pre-set temperatures of up to 200 degrees, and cooks food with steady heat to ensure crisp and even cooking. The timer enables you pre-set your cooking time so you can attend to other work. There is  a 'separator accessory', that allows several different foods to be air fried at the same time without mixing of flavors. So for the weight and health conscious, this would be some good news. It comes with a recipe booklet as well.
The Phillips Air Fryer is available in all the X-Cite Alghanim showrooms. The ones I saw were in X-Cite Alghanim Electronics in Avenues Mall. The price is K.D. 79 and on purchase of this, you get a free kettle.
Phone X- Cite customer service: 1803535

Food separator accessory

Adjustable temperature control

Pre heat timer

Rapid air technology

1 comment:

  1. PHILIPS AIR FRYER | WHITE Rapid Air Technology Circulates Hot Air with Speed and Precision for Perfect Results with a Tablespoon or Less of Oil. click here
