Tuesday 16 August 2011


Now how wierd can things get....A new but dangerous thing some people in Indonesia are ready to do is undergo electro railroad therapy for stress, anxiety, depression and various illnesses. Lying on the electric railway track waiting for a train to rattle by, they hope the electrical energy from the tracks can relieve stress, cure diseases and sleep disorders.
More than 50 people used to show up at the Rawa Buaya tracks every day. Slowly, the numbers dropped since police and the state-run railroad company erected a warning sign and threatened  up to three months in prison or fines of $1,800. "I'll keep doing this until I'm completely cured," said Mulyati, a 50 year old diabetic patient who cannot afford expensive medicines. She twitched as an oncoming passenger train sent an extra rush of current  through her body! There is certainly no medical proof that such an undertaking can cure patients and the government is trying to prevent people from lying on railway tracks to prevent accidental deaths.

This railroad shock therapy started with a rumor that a man tried using train rails to commit suicide ended up having his paralysis and chronic depression shocked away by the electric current in the tracks. Although this story is not verified, it has spread all over Indonesia and inspired the courage to try electrocution by rail in order to cure them of their ailments.
People restorting to railroad therapy is on their own accord and there is no legal permission to do so and they get chased by the police or security, only to return and lie on the railway track in hope of an eternal cure. What do you think about this bizzare choice of treatment?

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