Tuesday 16 August 2011


Those of you on a weight loss journey might come across natural hinderances. Like they say, you are your best friend and enemy. The state of mind when it comes to food cannot always be constant. Sometimes you get tempted and want to eat those high calorie foods or fast foods. You might get tempted to binge or indulge in foods you have been trying to stay away from. When you understand WHY certain foods are to be avoided or reduced or omitted, you would come to terms with your low calorie diet.  Its okay to have a small portion of foods you stay away from, occasionally, say once a week and if you have a rough idea how much calories that little portion might contain, you can decide whether you need to work out more to burn more calories. The most important thing is to eat healthy, in moderation and have a healthy breakfast and lunch and a tiny dinner.

You can say this affirmation to yourself whenever you feel 'worn down' or feel like giving up:

I choose to eat healthy and conciously for the greater good of my body and well being. I will exercise, I will sweat. I am going to be a part of a miracle. I am going to shed all that excess weight which is really not a part of me and which I don't need and which I don't require to carry around at all.

Feel better already? Ready to shed some weight? Be amazed at what you can achieve!

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