Tuesday 29 November 2011


This might sound funny, but I do love gazing into the sky and see what the sky canvas has on display each time I am out, especially during sunset or at night. When I was returning home on Sunday night, the waning moon looked resplendant. I had to take a picture of the beautiful crescent, which doesnot do justice to the beauty of what is seen by the eye.

Since ancient times, there are lot  of myths surrounding the waxing and waning of the moon. Now for a few myths revolving around the waning moon:

* good time to break habits,
* perform cleaning chores,
* let go of unwanted possessions or ideas.
* one might become less energetic during the waning moon, especially the last week of it
* a good time to engage in activities that increase one's wisdom
* a time to review endeavours and correct mistakes.
* settle disputes and make amends.

Hmm, personally I feel, anytime is a good time to weed off negativity from our life....


  1. Beautiful Photographs :) I like this new section "Photograph of the day" were these pictures taken on your mobile?

  2. Thanks! 'My Picture for the day' is taken at random of anything that catches my attention or captivates me. They are taken with my Nikon camera.
