Tuesday 29 November 2011


All women know what they can't stand in a man. I thought of compiling a list of things men can't stand about a woman; things that drive them away, things that upset them, things if continued over a period of time, can strain relationships and marriages. Sometimes a woman would wonder what could be the reason. Thoughts like 'he doesn't understand me, he doesn't care, or he doesn't love me anymore, he is too busy in his own world to be bothered about me, his friends or his computer is more imporant, maybe he has another woman in his life' are some of the common thoughts that run in a woman's mind when things go wrong.

Life is never perfect and no human is. We are hardwired to behave or conduct ourselves in a particular way. Observe how one tends to feel, think, behave or react in day to day life, that spark discords or turn your man off.  One can improve a relationship and keep it strong by putting a little effort in changing one's  negative traits or habits that fuel unpleasantness, arguments or discords. In every argument between a man and woman, there lies an answer. He almost always lets you know the reason that drives him up the wall during a discord. Create positive traits and healthy behavioural patterns  in place of  negative ones. It might be a bit hard to change long time habits but it's not impossible. It can make relationships and life better and happier. I was doing a bit of research on this and here is a LIST of things men can't stand in a woman.

* Bossy
* Dumb
* Expects the guy to read her mind
* Uncaring
* Argumentative about trivials and making mountains out of mole hills
* Cannot cook
* Cribby
* Very aggressive/arrogant
* Not giving enough space to her man (always clinging)
* Wanting too many things
* Belittling him or putting him down in front of family and friends
* Always talking about other guys and comparing with her man
* Cheating
* Insensitive, cold
* Drama queen
* Always in a power struggle
* Obsessively jealous/suspicious of her man
* Too pushy
* Gossips all the time
* Selfish/self centered
* Agony aunt always offering unsolicited advise and solutions to everyone
* In law bashing
* Workaholic
* Not saying what she means
* Always critical of everything he does
* Doesnot take care of her health/weight
* Umkempt/unclean
* Whining all the time

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