Saturday 5 November 2011


This t-shirt is available in 'ZARA' (Avenues Mall and Marina Mall)
Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, 'If we encounter a man of rare intellect, we should ask him what books he reads'.

We live in an age where we are surrounded by an overflow of information and the best way to take advantage of it  is engage in reading novels, magazines, newspapers and even the Internet is a great learning tool and contains a world of information we could dive into. Reading helps us discover new things, develops our imagination, our creative side and also develops our mind and gives us a renewed self image. The mind is a muscle which needs exercise just as our body needs food, air and exercise.    Reading is the best exercise you can give your mind.

Here is a famous quote by H.G. Wells. He said, 'I had just discovered the art of leaving my body to sit impassive in a crumpled up attitude in a chair or sofa, while I wandered over the hills and far away in novel company and new scenes... My world began to expand very rapidly,... the reading habit had got me securely'.


Beautiful window decor with almost real looking finches (Avenues Mall)


Ever since I made a choice of eating healthy, I don't feel sleepy after lunch. In fact I feel alert and look forward to my walks in the late afternoons instead of taking my afternoon siesta. Now taking a nap is alright, if its to catch up on lost sleep or you want to give your body some rest. But if you feel sleepy or tired or sluggish after lunch, it means, you have consumed more carbohydrates or sugars and or fat, than necessary, which is not good on a regular basis.

Eating fast food, fried foods, sweets or those made from flour such as bakery products and pasta, causes your brain to make large amounts of the neurotransmitter, serotonin, that makes people fall asleep. Such food also causes blood sugar to rise higher than normal and you end up feeling tired and sleepy. You certainly can't afford to feel sleepy at work after breakfast or lunch. While its important for you to remain alert, it equally important to be in optimum health. Restrict foods high in flour, starch, sugars and fats. The food you consume, diverts your blood for digestion process. And based on what you eat at breakfast or lunch, this process can increase your energy levels, or it can cause sluggishness. Avoid fast foods and processed foods. Its okay to have it once in a while, but not on regular basis.

Never skip breakfast so that you are high on energy during the beginning of your day.  Eat light healthy foods like steamed vegetables, salads with low calorie salad dressing, grilled chicken or fish, yoghurt, fruits, nuts during lunch. Eat a little less at every meal; reduce the quantity of bread, rice and pasta you consume, cook your food using very little oil and experience the rise in energy levels. I was surprised when a friend of mine spent 5 hours with me and didn't drink take a sip of water!  When I reminded her, she said, she wasn't thirsty! Well, you see, you shouldn't wait until the red alert your body gives you, when you badly need to drink water. Our body requires about 2 litres of water every day (8 glasses) to carry out various functions.

Visit the doctor to make sure you don't have a medical condition or food intolerances particularly if you are eating healthy and still feel fatigued or sleepy after a meal. Your health is what you gift yourself with concious effort in following a healthy lifestyle and food habits. Making a healthy choice should not be a struggle.


Being a Swarovski crystal fan since as far I can remember, I enjoy dropping into Swarovski outlets several times a year. It's interesting to visit whenever they get a new collection, for their craftsmanship is amazing. They come up with such lovely designs in crystal jewellery and crystal decorative items. The Swarovski Crystal outlet has undergone a makeover, with a totally different look, more brighter with the white interior as compared to dark interiors they used to previously sport. The Swarovski outlet I visited in Nottingham, 3 months ago, at the Victoria Mall in City Center had a white interior, very similar to the outlet at Avenues Mall in Kuwait. Here are some pictures of the Swarovski outlet at the Avenues Mall (ground floor).

Friday 4 November 2011


Not many people would be comfortable with slugs and bugs...But the gold coloured, larger than life, slugs and bugs in the window of Catimini outlet (Avenues Mall), look quite attractive and ofcourse harmless.


Wishing everyone who is celebrating Eid, a joyous celebration!


The recently published STEVE JOBS biography by Walter Isaacson is available in THAT AL SALASIL bookshop, Level 1, Avenues Mall . It's priced 12 K.D.  I was at That Al Salasil yesterday and saw quite a number of copies of the currently best selling book of Steve Jobs. Isn't this good news for Apple fans and Steve Jobs' fans who were awaiting this book eagerly. Go grab your copy.


THE WINTER'S TALE, one of last plays written by William Shakespeare's in 1610 or 1611, was staged at Maidan Cultural Center as a part of DAI's 17th cultural season events on Wednesday, November 2. The Winter's Tale was presented by The British Academy of International Arts (BAIA). The production crew did a wonderful job and the entire cast gave a wonderful performance. To read the detailed plot visit this Link 

Here are two pictures of the play as well the leaflet that shows the details of the Play, crew and cast.


Instead of coke, soft drinks, heavy sugar and cream laden shakes, or sweetened artificial packeted juices, go for fresh orange juice while you are out at the Mall or in a restaurant. IKEA, ground floor, Avenues Mall serves fresh orange juice and its only 0.750 fils for regular size. Buy oranges on a regular basis and eat them or make some fresh juice for yourself, making them a 'must have' part of your everyday diet. Not only its refreshing, but contains a load of benefits. Let's explore what they are!

* A glass of fresh orange juice provides you with recommended daily dosage of Vitamin C.

* Fresh orange juice contain sufficient flavonoids which  help to lower blood pressure and bad cholesterol levels.

* Fresh orange juice is high in antioxidants and contains large amounts of dietary fibre, folates and thiamine.

* Studies show that orange juice protects you against cancer, heart disease and even improve the way your immune system responds to attacks.

* Consuming fresh orange juice, the damages caused by free radicals to the cellular structure of your body, is reduced.

6. Fresh orange juice contain various phyto-nutrients and flavonoids that help to protect you against various degenerative diseases.

Fresh orange juice at IKEA, Avenues Mall


November 2 is celebrated as Day of the Dead throughout Mexico and around the world in many cultures. Family and friends gather and  pray for those who have died. It is particularly celebrated in Mexico, where it is a National Holiday. The celebration takes place on November 1 to honour the infants who have passed way and November 2, to honour the deceased adults. 

Favorite meals and drinks of the honored are placed by the family, to show that they’re remembered. The food is usually eaten on the night of November 2nd by the family athough in some places it is thrown away. Marigold is the most common flower that is used as the colour represents the power of the sun and life. White flowers are used to represent the sky, purple ones to represent mourning, and red flowers to symbolize human life. Candles are lit to represent light, faith and hope.
As a part of the celebration to honour the dead,  Sugar skulls are made from sugar, meringue powder, and water. The mixture is pressed into a mould and allowed to dry, creating a plain white three-dimensional skull. Once formed, the sugar skull are painted with bright colours and decorated with icing which are edible. Other decorative items are made with skull symbolism to honour the dead. Sometimes a blank area is left on the forehead of the skull to write the name of the deceased that it's dedicated to. Sugar skulls are gifts that can be given to both the living and the dead. Dolls, mugs, decorative items with skulls on them, skull figurines, skull tattoos are all popular as a part of the celebration. Here are some pictures I came across.