Sunday 15 April 2012


Have you wished you didn't have to carry all those ATM cards around in your wallet and there was an easier way to withdraw money or do transactions at the ATM machines? That way, you don't even have to worry about card theft or loss. 

Well, Japanese banking group Ogaki Kyoritsu Bank will soon introduce biometric ATMs, under the tag line 'You are the cash card'. This will enable customers to access their accounts without bank cards or books. Customers can scan their palm, and enter a pin and their birthdate, to withdraw cash from the card-less system. What happens when the palm is scanned is, a “unique vein pattern of an individual’s palm” will be analysed to verify the customer. 

The cardless ATM system is being developed by Japanese technology company Fujitsu and is expected to be introduced in September 2012. The need for cardless ATM became vital after last year's earthquake and tsunami that left survivors unable to access their accounts because their bank cards, books and other identification was destroyed or lost in the disaster.

By 2013, would we see the world using cardless ATM's?

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