Sunday 15 April 2012


Yesterday my husband and I were discussing an interesting subject 'Unpleasant Truth' and I thought of writing a post on on Truth and it's many faces. It's nice to be truthful; we are taught it's an important value. Let's explore different kinds of truth and the consequences.

Hidden truth in sarcasm:
Did you realize 'truth' can be unpleasant at times. A person could say something really unpleasant, rather sarcastic which could be a form of truth for the one who spits it out but for the listener, it can sound quite mean and hurtful. 
e.g. 'My God, you look so fat, what is it that you eat?' 
'You look hilarious in that outfit' 
'With your qualifications, who is ever going to give you job?'

Truth can set you free: 
Paradoxically, it's also said, the truth can set you free. For example, if someone who cared told you in confidence, that you have a bad attitude and if you don't change, it could cost you, and suddenly you realize that's the truth, it can actually set you free; it can help you build a better attitude that serve you well through your life. When you are being true to yourself, you make better choices and better decisions. You will experience a new found freedom. 

Truth can be painful or heart breaking: 
When a person comes to know his spouse is having an affair or someone close in the family had a terrible accident, news of death, termination from employment, onset of a life threatening disease, or some you trusted cheated you of your money and so on.

Is being truthful and frank - the one and same thing?
Have you dealt with people who want to be frank but are forthright blunt or sharp, sometimes to the point of sounding mean, cold or even nasty? Well, there are two things to it, certain people do it on purpose to intentionally hurt the other person as they get a kick out of it or to feel in control. And certain others are unaware of their ability to hurt or wound while they think they are being 'frank' or 'truthful'. 

Compromised truth or Half truth 
Compromised truth or a half-truth is not the whole truth. It would contain some element of truth. What the person says would be partially true or even totally true but it would not be the whole truth. They are ultimately either lies disguised as truth, or distorted versions of the truth with an intent to brag, boast, deceive, evade, blame or even portray what the other person would be happy to hear.

A lot of unpleasantness can be avoided by choosing to speak with some sensitivity and respect for the other person's feelings. Now you could say the truth about whatever it is you feel without hurting the other person. It could be breaking of bad news or informing someone of something the person ought to know. Speak the truth, if it's for a greater good, getting an important work done, to convey a certain news, to warn a person of danger, trouble or consequences, or even to protect your own interests or yourself. In other situations, use your discretion - sometimes there's no need to say anything at all. 

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