Monday 2 April 2012


I had blogged about the fabulous costumes in movie Mirror Mirror even before it was released. The movie is directed by Tarsem Singh (maker of 2011 movie Immortals). Mirror Mirror is a comedy, drama adventure film that revolves around an evil queen who steals control of a kingdom and an exiled princess Snow White enlists the help of seven resourceful dwarfs to win back her birthright. Mirror Mirror stars Julia Roberts as the evil queen and Lily Collins as Snow White. Lily Collins is the daughter of the famed musician-singer Phil Collins.  It's a gorgeously charming children's film, with a modern spin which would please the adults too. This would make a nice movie for the whole family to watch. The sets and visuals are grand - quite a treat for the audience with beautiful costumes designed by the late Oscar award winning costume and visual artist Eiko Ishioka. 

Michael Lerner (who dons the role of Baron, in Mirror Mirror) told in an exclusive interview with Courtney Howard,, "Fables, short stories and fairytales are just very poignant and they really tell you the wisdom of living - the wisdom of life. I think Snow White is an example of that." 

Visit Kuwait Cinescape for movie screening locations, timings and online booking. 

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