Saturday 23 June 2012


While I was at 'Zara' on Thursday, I saw this  t-shirt with the saying 'Nothing is more important than today'. This beautiful quote is by Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe, the famous German dramatist, novelist, poet and scientist (1749 - 1832).

What does 'today' mean to each of us? How do you spend it? The rising sun gifts to each of us, a new day,  that becomes our present along with  a special tool to deal with it which is, free will. We tend to live each day, conditioned by our past and our expectations of tomorrow. Are you grounded in the present or do you spend your day, burdened by the past and apprehensive about the future, forgetting to live in the present? It's important to enjoy the present because you are not living in the past or the future.  When you think about the past, think about the good that happened over time and try not to dwell on the bad memories and  equip yourself with valuable lessons you have learnt from the past so you can build your present with renewed mind set and faith.  And your future would very well depend on the choices you make today and each new day.

'Today' presents to you opportunities, challenges, possibilities to make right choices, decisions, amends, chance to forgive, to pause and be aware of your inner feelings and needs and those around you, to let go the pain of past failures, to let go of emotional baggage that wears you down, to listen more in order to learn more, to think things through, to make inner changes, to see things differently, positively,  learn new skills or improve your knowledge, to stop procrastinating,  to enrich your life and your relationships, to carry a positive attitude, to be kinder, to help others, to stop comparing with others and recognize the talents and riches hidden within you, to be more understanding, to be patient, to rebuild your confidence, to learn from past mistakes,  to work on your goals you gave up, to put in your best for today, believe you can make a difference in so many ways that would make life worth living. What you do today and each new day, will attract the kind of future you want. 

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