Monday 3 February 2014


This was the first time we attended the K-Cats CFA Cat Show.  We don't have a cat but we love animals and I've always wanted to attend the Cat Show. The cat show was held on Saturday 1st Feburary at the Safir International hotel tent. It was around 2 pm when we visited the show. Beautiful cats of different breeds from kittens to older cats lay in every cage. It was amazing. Some were asleep in their cages, while some were awake. The kittens were so playful and was a delight to watch. The way the owners were handling their cats, holding them, petting them, cuddling them, planting kisses on their forehead with so much love and affection, was just like how parents handle their babies. It was really nice to see that. There were cats put up for adoption and pet shop owners who spoke about several breeds of cats if you want to buy one. 

Competitions were held in different categories. When the cat's competition registration numbers were called out, the owners would bring their cats to separate cages marked with the allotted numbers near the judging area and the judge would take them out and inspect them. There were two judging areas. Many cats won prizes and I am sure their owners would be so proud. I am not too familiar with the details of the competitions. It was a lovely experience though. I have never seen so many beautiful cats all in one place. 

You can visit the Kuwait Cat Club website and their Facebook page to join their club, know more details and their activities, especially if you are cat lover/ cat owner. 

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