Monday 3 February 2014


Though it's a late post, I still wanted to share this in my blog. It's been a very long time since I had seen a live puppet show and though it was a children's event, I told my husband, let's go the TIES Center and watch the puppet show. I remember my husband smiling and of course he agreed. I love children and taught children for 12 years and I enjoyed my career immensely. With my love for children, theater, plays, music, art and exhibitions, I enjoy visiting events related to all this. 

Anyway back to the Puppet Show, it was held at TIES Center on Saturday 25 January, by Susanne Rechlin and she did a fantastic job of conducting the puppet show. Susanne gave voice to the puppets and her story and dialogue rendition was so captivating and entertaining. There was a nice message for the children through that story, to be careful of strangers. This is a beautiful way to teach values and send out profound messages to parents and children through the art of story telling brought alive through a puppet show. I think the parents and adults enjoyed it as much as the children did. The story was about Little Red Riding Hood. 

At the end of the show, Susanne brought out the puppets and the children had fun inspecting them and holding them.  I hope we get to see more puppet shows. 

Here are some photos I took.

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