Monday 17 March 2014


Mommy's Market was such a lovely event held at Lilly Center on Saturday 8 March. This was a much anticipated event that I had looked forward to that had shopping, food, live music, games, fun and activities for children.

I enjoyed spending my time there, though I don't have any small children. My children are grown up and working ! It reminded me of my days as a young mother when I used to shop for toys, books and clothes and fun and educational activities for my children. I went around the stalls taking photos. Of course there were so many things for mommies too. I think those with young children would have found a lot of interesting things to buy.  The atmosphere was so pleasant and weather was fantastic. There was an outdoor seating area where you could order food from any of the food stalls, relax and enjoy. I ordered pizza from Upper Crust Pizzeria counter, with as many toppings I fancied and my husband and I had a lovely outdoor lunch, relished every morsel of the pizza and enjoyed the lovely weather. If you have young children, Mommy's Market is something you should not miss. Here are some photos of Mommy's Market.

Next Mommy's market : Saturday 22nd March 2014 at Lilly Center 
Lilly Center location map

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