Breathtaking view from my bedroom balcony |
The past week was sunny and quite hot towards the afternoon. Going out the past week meant - 'ohhh, its going to be so hot'. But today's weather was perfect. As a close friend on mine in Kuwait would describe such weather as 'London weather'. What she means is the weather is cloudy. I just love this sort of weather, when its cloudy, but does not rain and its cool. After breakfast, we went for a movie and returned home and had a wonderful lunch - minced meat with peas and potatoes which my son and husband like a lot. I had got up early and cooked before we left. After lunch, I wanted to go out again, but then then some sort of laziness took over me and I decided to just lie down and read this lovely book I picked up the other day while I was shopping at Style Plus - The Manual of Warrior of Light by Paulo Coelho. The weather was just so beautiful - I left my balcony doors open to let the cool breeze come in. My son had fallen asleep and I was reading this book. Paolo Coelho's inspirational writing can intensely connect us to the mysteries and unseen powers of the universe and explore our own inner nature, seek our strengths. Sometimes you could end up reading the same line a few times over because you relate to it.
If you enjoy Paulo Coelho's books, you will most certainly enjoy this book, which is a collection of philosophical teachings and inspirationals and every page is filled with something that you will definitely connect to. Life is a battlefield, and when you choose to connect with something bigger, deeper and higher in the universe, a light is cast for you in the path you tread and there are signs you follow and learn to fight your battle with strength, faith and wisdom. When you yearn for answers, when you are crossroads, when you are indecisive, people pass your way and give you directions, help and guidance. The universe arranges opportunites for you, your choices give you various experiences good and bad and you learn. Life never ceases to teach you something from every little or big experience. The unseen light guides you.....you become a warrior of light.